
live. laugh. love.body {background-color:CC6666;}

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Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

hide comments myspace code:
yes, this code does hide your friends. but if you adjust the px in the code, your top friends will be viewable.
all you have to do is go to your code in your edit profile and change the amount of px. the default px for this code is 400px i believe, which is set up for people with top 4 friends. i have top 16 friends and i adjusted my px to 880. if you have more than 16 friends, you will need to increase your px, and if you have less than 16 friends, you will need to decrease your px.
hope this helps.=]

By Butternut-Pumpkin on Aug 29, 2007 10:44 pm · History


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Registered Aug 9, 2007
Last update Aug 9, 2007